Garden Update: June 19, 2016

I know. I know. It’s important to get in your garden every day. At least, every other day. Not just on weekends. Ashamedly, I’ve only been a weekend gardener and it shows. I hand-weeded around our small plants this weekend in the blistering hot sun, but still only covered about 30% of the garden. And there are still weeds in the walkways. Ugh. Every day, Erica. Get out there every day. How do you motivate yourself to just do it? Something Different and Exciting Happened Though… But yesterday, instead of…

The Right Decision – A Country Farmhouse

Our Happy Place We searched for nearly a year for our new home, as we had quickly grown from a family of two to three, and then four in a matter of a few short years, and the townhouse just couldn’t hold us anymore. When we saw this house online, we fell in love, even though it was nearly twice as much as we wanted to spend. After talking about it in depth, my husband and I realized we could afford the payments, but we would have to make some…

March 2014 – Posts Imported as a single post.

  Chicken Coop Progress Report – March 16, 2014 This is the overturned cast-away bottom half of a plastic dog house that they’ve been sleeping in since we moved them out last month.  They’re so big now, that they can’t ALL fit in there!! We HAVE to do something! The chicken coop is a project we had planned on building in three stages. We have decided we are at a MUST BUILD point for the Pre-Permanent Coop. We have acquired a full sized door, some used tin sheets to repurpose…