Net Worth & Debt Update: April 26, 2020 – Covid19 Edition

Welcome to Owning Burton Farm, Covid 19 Edition. Just kidding. Despite the governor’s shelter-in-place orders for April, not much has really changed for us, and I’m extremely grateful to not know anyone personally at this time who has contracted the coronavirus. I’m very thankful for a steady job and a faithful paycheck. We’re still both working all week, staying home all weekend, and I’m still doing the bulk of the grocery shopping weekly. If we need anything else, Amazon can still get it to us in two days, thanks to…

Debt Ruining Your Life? Why High School’s Responsible

We demand that school teaches our children about sex and driving and argue how to explain the beginning of the universe. Why don’t we have a class in high school that teaches basic personal finance? I’m not talking about economics. Even if it’s an elective, I believe we need a class at least available to students who want to learn how to manage money in a responsible way. We need to teach them how to avoid the consequences that result from bad money management. This course could change the courses…