Super Ambitious 2017 Goals and an Exciting Announcement

I’ve never been told I lacked ambition. I HAVE been told I’m just like my mother (hence the timing of this post). My list of goals for Burton Farm is long and ambitious. But you know what they say, wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction. In this post, I’ll tell you what we’ll be working on in 2017 on Burton Farm. I’m also going to spill an exciting secret I’ve been keeping for a little while! I’ll give you a hint, though: All the biggest music stars are doing…

Baby Chicks on Burton Farm – August 2016

It’s Your Birthday, Little Chickens! Twelve babies were born this week (so far!) We did lose one early on, but the other baby chicks appear to be doing great. Some are pure Dominickers, but others are a mix of Dominicker and Copper Maran (Amigo).   What color eggs will those chickens lay?   There was a cricket in the coop, so Rocky threw it toward the mama, but it wasn’t long before one of the babies was running off with a cricket leg in its mouth. They’re a fast learning bunch, this…

How to Delight Your Chickens by Re-Purposing Junk

Entertain your chickens for free! You likely have a lot of this stuff already (or can find it on the side of the street any given weekend) to be re-purposed into your very own chicken carnival. Yeah! Take the girls to a carnival! So, naturally, when you arrive, you, as the responsible adult, will be analyzing all the activities at the carnival to make sure you and your girls hit all the important attractions with minimal inconvenience. Everyone’s so excited, aren’t they?   So while you’re passing by the ticket booth,…

Our First Eggs and Our First Garden

May 22, 2014 Hybrid Garden is in the Ground! At long last, our seeds have met the ground! We started out with raised row beds, but because it was too labor intensive this late in the game, we switched to traditional tilled soil gardening. Clint graciously let me stand in the middle of the plot, hold the seeds, and bark out orders about what to plant where…He’s a good man. 🙂 Oh, did you want to water that garden? How are you going to water it??!? No rain in the forecast until…