Not Your Typical Mommy Blog

Hi! I’m Erica.

I’m not a certified expert on finance or even homesteading.
But I could talk about it all for hours (and boy, do I have stories of what NOT to do). We can get moving in the right direction by establishing and building on good habits. It’s time to bloom where we’ve planted ourselves and water our own grass.
So, we’re doing this. Come with us. We can write this story together. Everybody knows when the kingdom joins hands, there’s a Happily Ever After. I want that for all of us.
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.“
Romans 12:4-8
Personal Finance –
Sustainability• Farm to Table Movement – Plant and Animal
• Reduce – Reuse – Recycle |
Grab Bag• Time Management
• Personal Organization • Life Coaching • List Making |
* Some posts may contain affiliate links because they help keep the lights on. *

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Owning Burton Farm does not assume any liability for financial results based on the information provided here. Neither this site nor its owners may be held liable for any loss or damages resulting from advice or tips on this website. Furthermore, advertisers, commenters, and linked sites are solely responsible for their views and content – which do not necessarily represent the views of Owning Burton Farm.
Friends, I am not a certified financial expert, nor do I play one on tv. Please see a professional for advice regarding your personal situation before following my instructions exclusively. This blog is for information, inspiration and education.
That being said, I have always been fascinated by personal finance and all the ins & outs of it, and since I’ve been anywhere from completely debt free to over a quarter of a million in debt to completely bankrupt, I feel like I might could save you some financial heartache if you did give me a listen. You have my word: I would never knowingly lead you down the debt path.
Also, with respect to our gardens, I’m no expert, but I love the magic of putting a seed or a bulb or even just a scraggle of roots in the ground and growing food or beautiful flowers from it. I’ve had big gardens (2,600 square feet), container gardens on a tiny college dorm balcony, to everything in between, but I admit I haven’t always been committed to them, nor documenting their results, so ‘m committing to change in that respect.
Affiliate Disclaimer:
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Any time I recommend a product or service, it is because I personally use and love it, or I’m discussing it in a post, and not necessarily because I receive any compensation. Sometimes a product I love has an affiliate program, and I will pursue becoming an affiliate for that product.
Purchasing a product using any of my links may not reduce your purchase price (and certainly won’t increase it!), but I might be paid a percentage of your purchase for referring you to the product. I never refer products that I wouldn’t use myself or don’t love. My opinion is not for sale.
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Owning Burton Farm is not intended for children under 16 years of age. No one under 16 years of age may provide any personal information to us. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16.
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Last Updated July 10, 2016.