Where to Get Free or Cheap Seeds for Your Garden

Welcome back to Misfit Gardening and Owning Burton Farm’s Series on Frugal Gardening! We’re going to discuss where to get your seeds for super cheap (or even free!) in this post. FOR FREE. Ok, so you’ve got all your seed starting containers piling up and now you need seeds to go in them. But don’t just go out and order a bunch of seeds. I’m going to let you in on some great secrets for finding seeds for your garden for little to no money at all.   FREE SEEDS Do you already…

How to Start Your Seeds on the Cheap

I love seeing row after row of uniform black plastic seed starting planters in garden centers and greenhouses. They’ve been dutifully watered and sunned, shaded and fertilized by the garden pros in the nursery. They even have the guts to set them out before the last frost of the year, so we can get our gardens started early! After spending so many cold days looking out the windows, dreaming over the seed catalogs, I’m itching to get started with my own seeds, but not quite ready to be outside.   To…

Super Ambitious 2017 Goals and an Exciting Announcement

I’ve never been told I lacked ambition. I HAVE been told I’m just like my mother (hence the timing of this post). My list of goals for Burton Farm is long and ambitious. But you know what they say, wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction. In this post, I’ll tell you what we’ll be working on in 2017 on Burton Farm. I’m also going to spill an exciting secret I’ve been keeping for a little while! I’ll give you a hint, though: All the biggest music stars are doing…

Net Worth & Debt Payoff through 2/28/17 – How Do You Spell Debt RELIEF?

You know how when you’re a kid, it feels like you can physically FEEL Christmas, like electricity in the air, but when you grow up, it’s kind of just another day? I thought I’d feel lighter now, but today feels the same as the day before. We closed on the sale of the townhouse yesterday and have again made a substantial reduction in our debt-load. What a relief! We feel elated and excited, but also a little bit sad.   In the past two years, I had repeated many positive affirmations about the sale…

Net Worth & Debt Payoff Through January 31, 2017

January 2017 for us, like most families, was mostly spent in survival mode. But not because of any holiday hangover as we paid for Christmas with cash. No, three of our family birthdays are in January and I’m on a mission to make memories. Also, because I am a lousy mom, I missed my youngest son’s 12 month and 18 month photo sessions, but was adamant that we secure his 2 year images on film. Forget the townhouse that hasn’t sold. Forget putting any seeds in the dirt. THIS is important! THREE…