A new desk for $8.39? Yes, please! I picked out a table from a pile of junk that was headed for the dump. It was still pretty sturdy and I’ve been on the lookout for a simple rustic table that wouldn’t break the bank. The funny thing about this particular table is that it is exactly the same model as our dining room table, just smaller.

Here’s what I did:
I cleaned that dirty old thing with the strongest bathroom cleaner I had on hand.
You never know what crud has been on these things that strangers cast away. I have this awful paranoia about meth from watching too many episodes of Intervention. Is it just me?
Then I sanded the tabletop with some half-used ten year-old pieces of sandpaper.
I didn’t bother sanding the legs. Full disclosure: I half-assed it because I didn’t really care if it turned out patchy. I live with two toddlers and we’re pretty rough on things. It’s going to get beat up.
I painted the legs with some plain brown “mis-tint” paint that someone was throwing out a couple of years ago.
I’m sure someone tried to color match a
chocolate bar, but it didn’t turn out the way they expected. It was perfectly good paint, so I put it in my, “hey, I might use this one day” pile.
I painted the legs with this pretty leftover aqua paint I got years ago as an “oops” paint (mistint) to paint birdhouses.
I had plenty to put on two really sloppy brush-stroked coats. (I wanted the brown to show through.) The legs were still a little sticky after a week curing in the hot Alabama sun, but I’m not worried.
Y’all, it practically rotted my soul to pay full price, but I did pay $8.39 for a small can of beautiful Brown Stain (Rustoleum) in Kona.
Having never used stain in my entire life, and not bothering to read the instructions on the can, I did not realize just how little of this product I would need…and how much I will have leftover for future projects! SCORE. -
I then finished off the table with the remainder of a spray can of clear matte sealant, also leftover from other projects.
I’ll admit, I totally prefer the look of that glossy dark surface of the table in the facebook photo I snatched, but let’s get real: fingerprints. Ain’t nobody got time for all that polishing.
Shazaam! Not bad for practically free, eh!?
Now I have a sturdy, lightweight table I can put anywhere. This week, it’s where I had coffee in the mornings and made the grocery list in the evening. At the holidays, it will be perfect to press into service as the “children’s table” at family gatherings.
Here’s what I didn’t do:
- Go into debt by charging a new table on my credit card.
- Feel the need to immediately furnish this entire farmhouse.
- Save a picture of the “before” of this table. Oh, I took one, all right, but it’s on the phone I destroyed last week and didn’t get backed up before I lost it. (Sorry!)
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Hi Erica,
I love your upcycled/spruced up table; the colors are super cute!
I’m stoked you got it for free, I love going to the thrift store and giving things a new lease of life although I haven’t been brave enough to tackle furniture….yet.
You’d be surprised how great some stuff turns out with a little effort. If you mess up, you just let it dry, sand it down and try again! I’m always surprised by the things people just throw away. We cherry picked a solid wood dining table from the pile too, and it’s sitting in the basement waiting on a cold ugly day. What kind of projects are you itching to get into?
Hi Erica,
I’m excited to see what you do with the dining table!
We have a piece of old bridge (yup, old bridge made of massive railway sleeper sized wood and old iron bolts in it) which will become a bar for the basement eventually (that’s the hubby’s baby).
I really want to upcycle some pieces for the vintage guest bedroom like a dresser and figure out reupholstering an armchair. I always seem to see cute old chairs which need fixing up with some fabric and new foam and I keep passing up on bringing one home…although the hubby bringing home a bridge should totally mean I can bring an armchair!
With winter on the way, I’ll have more time to devote to the indoor projects since the garden won’t be taking up my time, at least that’s the theory anyway!
OOh! I hope you post pictures as the bar project progresses! Yes! You should totally be able to bring home a chair or two. Fair’s fair! I’m itching to learn how to make a slipcover, especially if I could keep it from scrunching up or sliding off!
I’m not sure what the hubs’ vision for the dining room table is, but I think I’d like to remove the black paint and stain it with that same Kona stain as the desk project. Might go for a glossy clear coat on top instead of the matte finish this time, though…
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