Garden Update: June 12, 2016 – Two Steps Forward…

It appears that the Irish Spring Soap Helped. In hand-weeding this weekend, I only saw one little pile of golden nuggets, instead of many. So, that’s great.

What does this mean? It’s going to take a bar of soap each week to cover half of the fence line to keep rabbits out of our garden? Maybe I’m cheap, but that seems like too much for me. It’s supposed to rain all week, but when it stops, I’m going to sprinkle some hair clippings from my hairdresser’s floor. We will see how that does.

The seeds Clint planted last week have popped up already and look healthy, so, progress.

I planted the last of the tomato, pepper, & cucumber plants that had more than four leaves on Saturday, but on Sunday, they have wilted and shriveled. Note to self, and I knew better, don’t transplant seedlings in the heat of the middle of the day. That was dumb. So, regress.

Nothing was harvested this week. Two steps forward, one step back.

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