Two Stinky Baby Pigs

Two baby piglets came home with my husband this weekend! They’re so stinking cute! (And I mean stinky!)

Our Baby Pigs
Our 2 Baby Pigs
Baby Chicks on the Farm!

Last week, Rocky came home with some new birds: five guinea chicks and a turkey chick!

He put them under the heat lamp with the two surviving black copper maran chicks he picked up in April.


And while I was there, I walked to the goat house to take a peek at the ducks. They’re getting so big, so fast! And they’re so black-and-white that they look like an old black & white photo super-imposed into a color photo.
Easter Ducks in May on Burton Farm First Seedlings
First Seedlings!

After only one week in the dirt, we already have exciting seedlings popping up! In the planters, the basil from 2012 is sprouting like a fresh 2016 seed. I am willing to bet we have over 90% germination!

Two tomato seedlings are already half an inch tall. A few of the marigolds are starting to peek out.

I love gardening. One day, there’s just dirt and the next, BAM!

Stuff to eat!

Have a great weekend!


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