My Townhouse is Staged For Sale

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So, my husband and I decided to Stage our townhouse for sale since it had been on the market vacant for over nine months with no offers.

Click to read how I staged my townhouse for sale or pin to read later for ideas on how to stage your home.
Pretty, right?

Because we are going under by about $600 a month for every month it sits unsold, he agreed to let me take two months’ worth and stage it for sale. Instead of using our credit cards, I used a Flexible Spending Account reimbursement check as working cash for my tag sale purchases.



I scoured the Facebook Yard Sale sites…

and happened upon a guy who was selling just about everything in his house to make room for

the new woman moving in with her things. I snagged a couch for $40, two dressers & two chests of drawers for less than $100.00, a barely used queen sized mattress set for which I already had a frame, an antique mirror with a carved wood frame, along with a few other sStaged Home - Living Roomteals. They were by no means fancy, but proved to be substantial pieces in my plan. Because I bought so much from him, he even delivered it to me at the townhouse! It was a real blessing while I couldn’t lift more than 10 pounds after surgery. Another seller met me at the townhouse with two end tables & a coffee table in impeccable condition. (They’re a little dated. I plan to DIY a chalk finish on those babies after the house sells!)



I created a bed out of cardboard & milk crates.

Then I dressed it with new $4 pillows from the Wal-Mart (we needed new pillows anyway) and my childhood quilt flipped to the back side. I draped a plush throw over some more cardboard to simulate a headboard and moved the bed into the corner to make it more significant.


My husband moved a dining room bar table and chairs back into the townhouse for me and I set the table it with chargers, champagne glasses, and a simple twig centerpiece. The townhouse has shown three times in the past week. My realtor insists that it’s showing well, but that townhouses are a niche purchase, so we’re just waiting for the right buyer.

We have an open house scheduled for next Saturday. Here’s hoping we find a buyer soon.

~ Erica

The original post was first published on on May 13, 2016 and has since been edited.

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