Post 2-fer: “Dam, Beavers & Fallen Trees” & Goals 2014

Old School On Burton Farm! Check out this post from 2014 and then come get caught up at

Dam, Beavers & Fallen Trees

Iwent to the farm today and busted up some beaver dams (the beavers have turned our property into a swampy mess) and I cut 3 hackle berry trees…Old School On Burton Farm! Check out this post from 2014 and then come get caught up at I wasn’t paying attention and my saw tip got pinched. I tried to use some ratchet straps to release some of the tension but that didn’t work. I had to use a handsaw and cut the tree to get my saw unstuck. The cross section of the tree was probably as big as a laptop….it wasn’t too bad but it kinda sucked sawing the tree with an old handsaw….Also a tree by the creek fell onto the property and landed right where I put my tent when I camp down there. I’m glad it fell while I wasn’t camping. : )    Clint

On the same day, I posted goals for 2014.

No one has ever said I lack ambition.


Being a firm believer in Lists and Goals, I made a list of accomplishments I hoped we could achieve in the first few years On Burton Farm.

This was a stream-of-consciousness exercise and is not prioritized yet.

2014 Goals for Burton Farm

1. Build Access to Property from Alabama Highway. Cost $2500!?
2. Acquire a Real Live 911 Address. Cost $15.
3. Name the Land (DONE! On Burton Farm. 2/2014)
4. Decide on Grape Variety & Plant Vineyard
5. Cut down/Clear Brush and small trees (Bigger project than expected; lacking equipment!)
6. Put the chickens on the land in a temporary Coop(DONE! 2/1/14)
7. Build Permanent Coop & Safe Place from Coyotes (DONE! 4/2014)
8. Build Bridge over the Beavers’ Project
9. Start Beekeeping, Add Hives, Produce Honey to help support Farm. Side Hustle is born.
10. Determine varieties of fruits trees to grow. Plant Orchard. Sell fruit at Farmer’s Market. Another Side Hustle is born.
11. Build Firepit / Resting Spot (Done! Not real chichi, but done)
12. Dig Trenches for Improved Water Flow. (Anyone want to loan us some bulldozers or anything?)
13. Plant 2014 Vegetable Garden (Done! 5/2014)
14. Sell Vegetables at Farmers Market to support the farm. Can/Dry/Freeze Overflow of Vegetables
15. Build Greenhouse or at least Cold Frames (Well, we collected some window panes…)

16. Get Goats for Poison Ivy Destruction. It’s everywhere. We need a herd. Consider renting them out to other landowners who need Poison Ivy removed. Another idea for a side hustle…(Done! 9/14 & 12/14)
17. Prowl Craigslist for Free Livestock: Chickens, Goats, Cows, Ducks, Mules…whoever needs a safe home
18. Adopt a Farm Dog, preferably a rescue…maybe a couple of them
(Done! July 2015)Our 2 farm dogs - Jenny and "New Dog"

19. Move to Farm – Build Cabin? Drop a Mobile Home? Too Low without septic work.
20. Prep Townhome for Sale (Done! May 2016)
21. Secure Climate-Controlled Storage Unit, if necessary
22. Get Power to the Farm, at least temporary
23. Determine Site Location for House. Perc Test
24. Research Solar Panels for House, Chicken Coop
25. Research WIND for Harvesting Energy
26. Turn Bulletin Board into To-Scale Land Draft (DONE!  JAN 2014)
27. Build Large Compost Bins (Out of Pallets? Scrap Wood)
28. Get Water to the Farm. Consider laying this pipe ourselves to save funds…
29. Research Drainage and Perc Solutions

I’m sure there are more goals I hadn’t thought of at the time. We need to repair the fence around the property in a few places and then fence in the front. When that is complete, we can plow ahead with acquiring donkeys and goats.

Next Task: Prioritize the List


Well, we accomplished 10 1/2 out of 29 WILDLY AMBITIOUS GOALS for 2014. I guess that’s not bad given the tiny humans we produced and all the other stuff going on in our lives, right? Pretty proud of what we did get accomplished at that property there, and also super-grateful for the opportunity to get it right here on the mountain (where it never seems to rain…maybe we should be hosting weddings.)

The original posts were first published on on February 16, 2014 and have since been modified with links and updates.

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