I spent three hours Saturday pulling weeds by hand, clearing 8-12″ wide circles around the new seedlings so there would be less competition for water. It was probably only about 1/3 of our massive garden. I pulled weeds until my hands wouldn’t grip anymore. Surprisingly, the numbness in my hands I usually experience from doing fine motor movement was gone. Pulling weeds _IS_ exercise!

I pulled weeds around where a seed was planted but failed to germinate. We will come back today to put another seed or seedling in its place. Alas, gardening isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it operation. I’m going to have to figure out a way to make myself come out here daily and do a little work every day so that the weekend isn’t a huge chore.

Rocky moved the compost bin about an acre closer so we could get to it from the new garden. He scooped the old hay & cleaned out the poop from the goat bed and the chicken coop to add into the mix. It’s already looking like the black gold that it is. I haven’t decided this morning if I’m going to make compost tea for the seedlings or wait a few weeks to let it decompose a bit
Also happening this weekend, FREEDOM. Our two little pigs were excited to be released into the goat enclosure. Here, they’re eating (and wearing) baby oatmeal with strawberries and welcoming some petting. White Bob isn’t too crazy about them and left immediately after his inspection.
They need names. It’s a boy and a girl. If I let Sterls name them, they’ll both be some variation of Black Pig. If the hubs names them, it will likely be Bacon and Cheddar, or some variation. I like Flotsam and Jetsam. We will see.